Our Programs
Children are the hands with which we grasp heaven. They are the ones on whose shoulders every nation’s future rests. We at the Kaarwan Foundation aim to uplift the youth of the society through refined education. However, education for the children cannot be achieved without ensuring the welfare of the family – so we also ensure that families have decent livelihood opportunities and fixed and secure income sources. To this day, Kaarwan Foundation has undertaken major projects.
Health Care
Relief Work
Women Empowerment
Cultural Activity
Day Care Center

Child Education
Kaarwan Foundation took its first step towards providing quality education by starting Kaarwan English School in Mankrud. The school was setup to provide free/ affordable english education to the children in the area.
Social Welfare
Distribution of Food and Clothes, Distribution of Medicines, Blood Donation Camps, Health Checkup Camps, Old Age Home, Rehabilation, Councelling, Workshops, Awarness Programs.
Women Empowerment
We advocated for women and girls, promoting legal and policy reforms and gender-sensitive data collection, and supporting initiatives that improve women's health and expand their choices in life. We even taught them different skills like stitching, beautician, mehendi design etc.. so that they can stand on their own leg and become independent. We also conducted computer classes to help them become more technologically advanced.
Health Care
We gave the needy a full body examination, including blood pressure, eye exams, and diabetes testing. We collaborated with hospitals and doctors to give free heart and kidney procedures to individuals who could not afford them. We did our best to provide medical care.
Relief Work
During the devastating natural disaster, we assisted the people of Kerala. We have also offered our services to the residents of Nisar cyclone in Kokan Ratnagiri Rigadh and other locations of Maharashtra. During the pandemic we distributed PPE kits,clothes, food staples, medicines, oxygen cylinders etc.. we also helped migrant workers reach home to their families during these tough times.
We focused on the necessity to teach employable skills to high school students and urban - poor orientated youngsters in order to increase their chances of work in the rapidly surviving economy. We also held entrepreneurship and other courses to offer the basic skills for surviving and finding good employment.